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Writer's pictureKlaus Luehning

#5 | CRISPR & ETHICS | The Ethics of CRISPR, Genetic Editing, and AI in a Complex Global Landscape

  1. CRISPR technology presents significant potential for altering human genetics, sparking ethical debates. While some nations restrict its use to viable embryos, global regulations remain inconsistent, raising questions about the ethical limits of genetic enhancement.

  2. China is prominent in genetic editing and AI research, challenging ethical boundaries. Their position offers useful insights into enforcing ethics in innovative fields, with implications for broader AI applications.

Double helix

In a casual review of the genetic editing controversy, some countries agree to limit the practice to viable embryos and not to reproductive aspects of a person’s genome. Yet, CRISPR, the editing technique that won the Nobel Prize to Doudna and Carpentier in Chemistry, has a wealth of possibilities tied to [styles consisting of images/beings with] altered human capacities.

The fledgling cooperation appears to be worldwide except for styles of government where the first instance of value created will rise to the country’s leadership. A singular exception in authoritarian rule appears to be China. Rules, regulations, policies, bans, punishments, sanctions, and disciplinary and countering strictures seem difficult to secure and enforce. If attained, some ethics battles and results may be of heuristic value to acquire a framework for using AI. And, of course, the use of AI with CRISPR as a definition, target, guide, or logic for acceptance.



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