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#15 | ATHEIST ON AI | A Skeptical Vision: Klaus's Insights on Religion, Humanity, & the Impact of AI

Writer's picture: Klaus LuehningKlaus Luehning
  1. Skepticism RE: Religion: Klaus expresses a skeptical view of religion, seeing it as a construct of human imagination with moral guidance and consequences for one's actions in the hereafter.

  2. Concerns About Humanity's Future: Klaus highlights concerns about the destruction of humanity due to factors like the pursuit of wealth and power, depletion of resources, and climate change. They emphasize that those with limited empathy for others drive these issues.

  3. A.I. as an Accelerant: Klaus suggests that artificial intelligence (A.I.) could exacerbate these challenges, potentially leading to uncontrollable consequences despite the better intentions of humanity.


The destruction of humanity, seen from my perspective, is not unusual or frightening. I do not speak to a higher power, raise my eyes to heaven, or wait for a message from on high. All religions, maybe 3000+ still being practiced on the planet, are figments of the imagination to put some credence to existence through fanciful progressive tales and sometimes moral guidance. So relying on deception in flung wording and selling as an answer, with dire consequences in the hereafter if you stray from the dogma, is not my cup of tea.

How convenient that the price for "sinning" is after death and that a lot of the 'behavior preaching' is well meant as a way of life that is "better" than most of the alternatives. As a guide toward the Platonic/Aristotelian idea of a "good life" is ever present, it has its value in guiding any life. Not too long ago, a Cardinal in the College in Rome 'pontificated' that time in purgatory is about 235,000 years to work off the sins of a lifetime. It is curious that heaven, hell, and purgatory are believed to be actual places with a working history, a cast of characters, and time frames for diverting from dogma created by humans. Well, it is all human in origin, and humans cannot conceive of anything that is not already present on Earth in some guise, so the "hereafter" is just an extension of one's previous short-term life on Earth. What do you "say" to someone you despise, lovingly and cordially, pass by them in heaven, tip your hat, and smile graciously?

The extinction of life on the planet is foretold in the need for wealth and power, a crude and nasty extension of the survival instinct by those we have identified as sociopaths and psychopaths whose empathy for others is crippled. The resources will be used up faster than replacement works, climate change will alter water availability, cause animal and plant migration, and droughts will alter food availability for all. Some of this was forecast 50 years ago, and the creeping results are already apparent. The only people, it is always them, who deny, defend, obscure, rail, obfuscate, and fight to hang onto the status quo, are protecting their access to more wealth while they are alive and have the power to make it happen. Consideration for others is off the table.

So if humanity disappears in 500/1000 or more years, the tale is already being told, but the willing and obedient masses sustain power and greed to live their lives according to the few who threaten punishment. They are unaware (perhaps) that there is no U-Haul trailer behind their hearse. Like Putin, they will live in infamy for all history to come. Does he care? Probably not, because he has paid the Orthodox priests to carry him to heaven in the glory of his mind.

A.I. will be an accelerant too tricky to control, and the better angels of our nature will be helpless in the onslaught.


When I am gone, I expect my remains to disintegrate sooner than later, and the elements will return to the Earth to be used again at some future time, maybe a billion years. I hope to return as a sea oat plant on a beach where a sand crab will make a home. Atheists can also dream, but they know it because we cannot conceive of anything not already existing.



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